Monday, October 25, 2010

Bad day..

When in class they other day sexson was talking about James's blog and upon reading further into it, this is also my view point on bad days. I believe that bad days are in the eye of the beholder. It is your choice, everyday, when you wake up if you are going to have a good or bad day. It is already predetermined by yourself. Your mind has already made the decision. Once this decision is made it is irreversible, since it is so hard to convince your brain otherwise. 

If you go into a day thinking that it is just going to be a bad day because of a girl, work, homework, or just stressed out. Of course you are going to have a bad day because you have already made the decision in your mind that today is going to be bad. This is why I believe everyone needs to look at everyday like a blank canvas. You are the paintbrush and you choose what to put on that canvas for the day. It can either be a bright and beautiful or dark and gloomy all depending on how your outlook of the day is going. 

So each and every day look at it as a new page in a book, where you can determine everything that happens. Your life is not predetermined book, you can write the pages to your story:)

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