Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Between heaven and earth.

 "we saw that primitive man seeks to preserve the life of his human divinities by keeping them poised between earth and heaven, as the place where they are least likely to be assailed by the dangers that encompass the life of man on earth. " Sir James G. Frazer (794)

I really like this quotation because it applies to today's society I feel. Many people are so involved with religion that they sometimes forget to deal with things on earth. They are living in between heaven and earth, just waiting for that holy moment when they can be lifted up with the angels and the gods. Some people abandon their responsibilities on earth just because they think that they should not have to deal with them. Whether you believe in heaven or not, you have been put on this earth to do your responsibility as a human. Whatever that responsibility is, is up to your discrepancy. Whatever you choose your responsibility to be you have to go and follow it to your full potential. You can not be worried about the dangers or threats on earth, because one day every single one of us will die off. So why you are on this earth make the most of each day, don't live with your head in the clouds and be wondering when heaven will call your name. Be thankful for every breathe and day that someone has given you to be on this earth.

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